Specialised Testing – Quality Service
Our testing services are performed in house or with accredited partners, Watercare and Accugenix in Melbourne. We can measure Endotoxins, identify environmental microbes (bacteria/yeast/mould/fungi), and check water bioburden. We perform Microbial Identifications in house with the Bruker Maldi-tof Biotyper.
We provide testing services to AS 5369 waters from tables 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 and drying cabinet environmental monitoring IPCE GENCA GESA.
We aim to provide fast turn around times using the most accurate technologies available.
The industries we currently service include;
- Dialysis
- Life Science
- Food & Dairy
- Pharmaceutical
- List Item #1
- Life Research
- Home and Beauty Products
- Abattoirs -
(Livestock Blood Products – Bovine Serum – Porcine Serum – Bobby Calf Serum – Bovine Plasma)
We use the most specific technology for microbial identification, Maldi-Tof and DNA sequencing. The gold standard 16S for Bacteria and ITS2 region for fungi.
Endotoxin Testing is performed with FDA approved Charles River Endosafe LAL Reagents on the innovative PTS cartridge system.
High quality, proven technology
Our Testing Services;
- Endotoxin Testing LAL
- Bioburden / TVAC / Yeasts & Moulds
- Protein Testing
- Osmolality Testing
- Method Development (Sample Preparation) for LAL Endotoxin Testing
- Microbial Identification (DNA & Maldi-Tof)
- Haemoglobin Measurement Fleming & Woolf Method.
- pH Measurment
- Sample Culture
- CFU / TVAC (Membrane Filtration) (RO & Dialysis Waters)
- Glucan Test LAL
- Endotoxin Proficiency Service, Adult Bovine Serum and RO Water. 3x PA.
We are proud to support over forty New Zealand companies using Charles River LAL Reagents to ensure the safety of their products.