Fast accurate bacterial identification to the species level
SC Bio utilises the latest and fastest method; Maldi-Tof, to identify bacteria to the species level. This technology is more accurate than traditional microbiology and can provide same day results. DNA sequencing is complimentary to Maldi-Tof and is used to identify bacteria not in the Maldi database along with yeast, mould & fungi isolates.
Our services can improve your productivity by removing a subjective test from your lab and resolving disputes caused by traditional microbiology. Talk to us about how we can best assist your operations today.
DNA Sequencing Microbial Identificaiton
We can courier your samples to international GMP & ISO 17025 laboratory for DNA sequencing.
Accugenix Charles River supports the biopharmaceutical, medical device, nutraceutical, compounding pharmacies, personal care product and cosmetics industries with cGMP-compliant contract microbial testing services. Specializing in bacterial and fungal identification and strain typing of environmental isolates, Accugenix uses the latest sequence-based and MALDI-TOF technologies to provide accurate and reliable microbial identification services to more than 1,000 facilities worldwide. Over the last 20 years, Accugenix has tested and identified more microorganisms than any other company or service laboratory, which has allowed them to develop and refine validated, proprietary libraries and methods of interpretation that are unrivaled in the industry.
To discuss your microbial detection requirements contact Aaron Watson during business hours on 021 114 0079 or email
We are proud to support over forty New Zealand companies using Charles River LAL Reagents to ensure the safety of their products.